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Digital Mapping & Wayfinding trusted by the world's most complex spaces.

The go-to mapping solution for the NHS, The Met, Trafford Centre and more.

HM Government G-Cloud certified wayfinding supplier

What can Living Map's platform do for you?

Read below to find out more

Improve visitor experience and conversion

Give visitors the experience they demand

Direct visitors to where they need to be, faster. Creating a more accessible space while improving visitor flow and satisfaction.

Avoid the cost of navigation issues

Instantly guide visitors towards the areas of most value to your business, such as specific stores, areas or attractions.

...delivered in mobile, web or kiosk formats

Digital Wayfinding

Make operations more intelligent

Complete more tasks on time by locating your assets

Cut out delays and the cost of replacements. With asset tracking from Living Map, nearby equipment is located in real-time, on a map.

Understand how your space can be improved

Understand the journeys people take and identify priority areas for facilities and staff, for a more effective and efficient use of space.

...through your map management platform

Asset Locator

Analytics Dashboard

Want to know more?

Read our case studies to learn more

Latest case studies

St. Pancras International Station

With millions travelling through the station each year, St. Pancras International required better promotion of its facilities, and a wayfinding solution to enhance the passenger experience, improving navigation to train platforms, shops, restaurants, and cafes. 

The Met

The Metropolitan Museum of Art is one of the world's largest and finest art museums, therefore, required a digital indoor mapping and wayfinding tool to enhance its visitors' experience. 




Royal United Hospital Bath

As UK healthcare professionals deployed to unfamiliar cities across the UK in response to Covid-19, hospitals needed a way to guide staff through cities to specific locations within their facilities.